Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe is free from manslaughter charges

Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe is a free man now that he’s been acquitted of manslaughter charges by a Czech court. Although Blythe was declared innocent in the case involving the death of a young fan at a 2010 Lamb of God show, the frontman wants fans to know that it does not change the fact that a young man named Daniel Nosek is deceased.

Lamb of God fans have breathed their sighs of relief, raised their arms in triumph and toasted Blythe with the richest of jubilance, but much like Lamb of God drummer Chris Adler recently pointed out, this is no time for celebration.

Blythe gives fans a deeper understanding of his current state of mind while documenting a visit he paid Nosek’s family, who Blythe describes as “good people” who “did nothing wrong.”
As Randy Blythe makes his exit from the Czech Republic, fans worldwide are now welcoming the vocalist home from his legal debacle, which lasted roughly nine months.

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